
Name: Dr. Kit Hopper (goes by Hopper)
Age: 34 (Earth), 18 (Mars)
Gender: Cis Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Lesbian
Planet of Origin: Mars

Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 90 Lbs
Bloodtype: O-
Medical Notes:

  • Is mildly allergic to pineapple and citrus fruits

  • Has a caffeine dependency

  • Lost the majority of her original body, excluding her torso, head, and most of her vital organs, to a workplace accident about seven years prior and now is reliant on extensive high-end cybernetics to maintain her quality of life

  • Has eczema

Psychological Notes:

  • Comorbid ASD and ADHD

  • Lasting trauma from aforementioned workplace accident, has received psychotherapy post-incident.

  • Amnesiac, cannot recall the events of the last six months, nor select events from the year prior, though those gaps are more inconsistent.

Appearance:Hopper has no visible human flesh when fully clothed, as she has extensive cybernetics/prosthetics over the majority of her body. Due to this, she has the appearance of a fully robotic entity, despite her human core. None of these prosthetics are emulative of an unaltered human body, with her facial helmet (an LED display) and her legs (digitigrade prosthetics) being her most striking traits.Underneath the metal and fiberglass, Hopper has heavily scarred skin, blue eyes, and sandy blond hair (what remains of it, at least), but this is rarely seen by anyone other than herself and trusted medical professionals.


Primary Class: Intelligence
Secondary Class: Mechanic
Occupation: Ecological Engineer

  • ACTION STATUS Coward: +3 to rolls evading damage when hiding behind others. The person in front takes an additional -2 damage.

  • ACTION Swift: +3 when running, chasing or evading

  • STATUS Caffeinated: +3 to all rolls if the user drinks coffee or a caffeinated beverage. Takes up 1 round each drink. STACKS +5

  • DEFENSE SUPPORT Digital Blindness: Once successfully rolling a cloaking action, this Intel officer and anyone in their party can remain unnoticed by robotics and camera footage for 2 post rounds. Cannot be used if already noticed by robotics/cameras. SINGLE USE

  • ATTACK ACTION Multitasker: +1 to physical action roll AND +1 to digital action roll. This intelligence officer can do one action roll AND an additional digital action roll in the one post. I.e. shoot a gun and enter the door code/ run while hacking with a hand held device/ dodge and disarm a door’s bioscanner.

  • ATTACK ACTION Boom Boom Baby: +4 to successfully hitting a target when a Mechanic deliberately sabotages or explodes a device. The Machine is permanently unusable thereafter. SINGLE USE

Equipment & Weaponry:

  • Helmet: Has expressive, visual, and auditory capabilities (comparable to those of an average human)

  • Emergency solar battery charger: for when she's feeling low

  • Digital photo album full of the good times

Additional Skills:

  • Knowledgeable about botany and zoology



  • Amphibians

  • Nightshade family plants

  • Terrarium building/aquascaping

  • Wild Friday nights out on the town

  • The concept of nature

  • Earth artifacts

  • Watching things get crushed by heavy machinery

  • Strong, capable women

  • Anything with a strong sour flavor


  • Earth. Screw this dirtball.

  • Mars, for that matter. Screw that dirtball too.

  • Actual Nature (dirty)

  • Dirt/dust/sand in her prosthetics

  • Boredom

  • The ever-looming fact that she may be stuck here for the rest of her life and that she may never know why

  • Beurocrats

Personality:Once a respected Martian ecological engineer working on the Biomes, Hopper has not had a smooth transition to life on Earth. Her personality may generously be called boisterous and eccentric (or less kindly, loud, brash, and over-the-top). She is full of confidence that is entirely unwarranted, given her own fragility- yet, despite her outward bluster, she is a massive coward, all bark and no bite, and is the first to run when things actually get hairy.

Fun Facts:

  • Hopper's face can change colors, display images, and act as a flashlight

  • Her cybernetics are made primarily of carbon fiber, making them extremely lightweight and mobile, but also fragile compared to metallic prosthetics

  • She owned several tree frogs back on Mars

  • Her voice is modulated, so she often switches vocal tones/accents as she pleases. However, they all have a recognizable electronic trill to them.

  • She can make one hell of a cocktail if given a bottle of booze and any random assortment of foodstuffs. Don't ask how, a magician never reveals her secrets.

  • She has a limited capacity for taste and smell, with strong flavors and scents being the only ones she really registers. As a result, she enjoys eating lemons, despite being mildly allergic to them.


TL;DR: The recipient of highly advanced cybernetics and once a respected Martian ecological engineer working on the Biomes, Hopper has been left on Earth with no memory of how- or why- she's here.

Dr. Kit Hopper was born and raised on Mars, having a largely uneventful childhood. She found a love for nature early on and knew from a young age she wanted to be biologist.Breezing through both public school and college with top marks and building a large social circle with her brains and outgoing attitude, she found herself offered a position as an ecological engineer for the Biomes shortly after graduation- and how could she say no? It was a chance to be on the cutting edge of her field, and as a remote position she wouldn't even have to leave the comfort of her Martian home. Of course she accepted.Early on in her career, however, she was met with a tragic setback. She doesn't know why her prototype oxygen farm ignited- a faulty wire, perhaps, or a malfunctioning machine. Whatever it was, the result was the same. A fire broke out and ignited the oxygen in the farm with her inside.She doesn't know how she survived. A medical miracle, she was told, that they were able to save enough of her to keep her alive with such extensive damage. She spent the next year being rebuilt with top-of-the-line cybernetics, opting for a more abstract, inhuman form over more realistic prosthetics.She recovered, she learned to use her new body, and she returned to her career and her life as it had been. Years passed, and her successes only grew, continuing to further her career and enjoy the luxuries her blessed life afforded her.Then, one day, she woke up on Earth with a splitting headache and no idea how she got there.The last thing she could remember was falling asleep on her couch back at home- and yet here she was, left to die in the dirt of a planet unfamiliar to her in every respect. The gravity was too heavy, the air too thick, and she was left with a billion questions and no answers.Striking out on her own, she found her ID chips no longer worked, as an encounter with a Canid guard that tried to tear her apart upon her approaching a Biome to get help would suggest. She narrowly escaped, but was left disoriented, bitter, betrayed, and more confused than ever. Why had Mars turned their back on her?Wandering the wastes on her own, she was in for another shock- humans actual Terran humans, living outside the Biomes. Her relief was short lived as the scouting group mistook her for a hominid guard, leading to weapons being drawn. She was fortunately able to convince them of her humanity before any shots were fired, and she was whisked away with them back to Salus mostly intact.She has not been here long, and has remained a bit of a ghost amongst the residents- her extroverted personality suppressed by her anxiety over the missing answers to her current state and her mourning the life she's lost to whatever brought her here.She has recently realized that she is missing more than just how she got here- she can't remember what the last project she worked on for the Biomes was. This plus the incident with the hostile Guard has left her to wonder whether this really was an unhappy accident, or whether someone left her here like this on purpose...

RP Example

A soft beeping resounds, followed by the sound of rapid tapping and a strangely sweet citrusy smell fills the surrounding area of computer towers as you enter the dimly lit room, designated to all the towers and power switches necessary for Intel’s vast technological array in the main room. A figure sits on a heavy system, half-leaning back as he plays what looks like a game, on a holographic screen. He doesn’t seem to notice, or perhaps he just doesn’t mind your presence before– success! Score 18900, Level 45 appears across the screen.“Haha, man…” unsatisfied, it seems, as he sets his game to the side. His attention now focuses on you, realising you’re here with him. The brightly and fashionably dressed man gives a grin. Leaning forward, shifting his weight onto his heels.“Ahh amigo, looks like you caught me on my break! Ya know just needed a little bittt, to myself!““Need somethin'? Oh- this? It’s an old game I like to play, Quantum ships! Wanna play?” the green-eyed man asks, patting for you to sit with a sleeved hand. He waits until you are settled, with him and hands you the game, “Yeah- yup, just enter your nameee here, and there ya go! New player, a nice name by the way, uhh- yeah so these are the controls.” he gives you a basic lo-down of the way the game works, and- well now, level 01 appears on the screen, start!

Hopper stands up straight as she's addressed, hoping to make a good impression- a formality that quickly seems pointless as the well-dressed man before her seems far more relaxed than the scouts who brought her here to begin with (and totally scuffed up her paint job, but she supposed she'd have to let that slide."Actually, I-" she starts to object, but then the sounds of the video game hits her ears. Quantum ships... she hadn't know they still had video games down here. Of course, she hadn't know there were people here until a few days back, so her perspective may be a tad skewed. "... You know what, Quantum Ships sounds great. How's it work?"After being taken through the basic instructions, she sits down at the controls. This should be a breeze. She was a pro at these things back home, and this dinosaur is at least a few centuries behind those-Game Over.She blinks, her display showing a "?" in place of her face. She... lost? That quickly?"What? No, I just-" She growls, taking a deep breath in to calm herself after such a swift defeat. "Okay, I need a round two, I totally didn't have my head in the game."Second time's the charm. This game will not defeat her.

Hidden History

About three years prior to her waking up on earth, Hopper's favorite university professor, Dr. Damian Sykes, reached out to her with an exciting offer. The project he was heading, a prototype for a new generation of biomes being developed, was looking for a co-leader- and Hopper was at the top of his list of candidates.How could she refuse such an opportunity? Here was her chance to be at the forefront of the forefront of new and cutting edge technology, to write her name in the history books, to be notable in her field beyond just the bizarre nature of her accident- of course she said yes.The project was new and novel, and Hopper fell right into it, pouring her heart and soul into it every step of the way. It gave her something to do, something to be passionate about- she was doing good work! Work for the betterment of all of Mars! She would help bring new life to the barren wastes of R-001, to put old tragedy to new use, to good use.The years passed, and her simulations were running well, her tests passing well within their parameters. They were ready to move beyond simulation and into Beta testing, and Hopper was invited to Earth to see the fruits of her labours. Now, the idea of actually going to R-001 was something Hopper liked more in theory than in practice, but she had already commited so much time and effort- besides, this opportunity was both a privilege and an honor, or so she was told. She knew she'd be a fool to refuse. And so, after one last night of celebration with her friends and colleagues, Dr. Kit Hopper climbed aboard a private chartered shuttle to earth, unaware that the night prior would be the last thing she would remember in days to come.Everything went well at first- as well as anything could go at a testing facility, at least. Everything continued to run relatively smoothly, her environmental projections holding up in practice as well as they had in simulation with only minor hurdles along the way. Dr. Sykes was as much a pleasure to work with as he had been a pleasure to learn from, an old grandfatherly man always quick to crack a joke or help with any issue, work related or otherwise. For the first couple months, everything went well.Perhaps things could have stayed like this, these days of work and blissful ignorance, had Hopper not gotten extremely bored as life fell into a rhythm. She had always been one for novelty, craving thrills and excitement- the kind found in a long Martian night out with friends, bright lights and bad decisions... the kind that just did not exist trapped in a biosphere tending to plants and monitoring the Ph factor of soil samples.Maybe if there had been, she would not have gone poking around Dr. Syke's office late one night after he stepped out for coffee. Maybe she would not have seen the documents left up open on his computer- maybe she would not have seen evidence of human life, or that Dr. Sykes, old, kindly Dr. Sykes, was prototyping new guard models against these survivors.Of course, by the time the realization hit, Dr. Sykes had come back from his coffee break. The struggle was over before it began- her body may have been robotic, but it was never built to be strong. She was unconscious before she even knew it was him.He could have killed her then. It would have been the easiest, cleanest way of taking care of this issue. Perhaps it was pity for his favorite student that had him opt for a backhanded mercy instead.After all, he didn't need to get blood on his hands- the wastes would surely take care of his problem for him. If she somehow survived, well- modern medicine was a wonder, and a mind was none to difficult to alter. It was only a matter of deleting a select few months from her biological hard drive to eliminate any threat she may have posed.It was all for the good of Mars, after all.

Handler Profile

Discord ID: StarCorpse#7685
Preferred Name: Star
Pronouns: Any (defaults to They/Them)
RP Style Preferences: Paragraph, but I can work with any style!
Fun fact: I collect dice and fossils!